Dylan Toomey

Foundations Core Reflections

Three New Things I Learned About Myself

  1. I think I hide my ego behind shyness to some degree. Just an easy way to not be challanged and have it damaged. In the learning plan and self anyalsis part sort of realised this. In many other scenarios not around skills/knowledgde I am quite comfortable but get shy when could be proven wrong or something like that.
  2. I really suck at timekeeping. I guess I allready knew this to some degree. But being on my own and self directing my own learing I really found that I am awful at this.
  3. This is not quite relevant but interested me a bit. I have done several Myers Briggs and I always got ISTJ, this time around it was ISTP. I just found that really interesting that since actually joining the workforce that mentality has changed. Normally I would not say Im flexible person. But I guess after time working in an environment where you don't really have the option to not be you learn to be flexible. Also that's how I find ways to advance

Values, Empathy & Self Awareness in Learning and Programming

To me this is about understanding yourself. It easy to look at some values and say that yes that one is better for learning and that's what I'll try to be. Personally for me that's not 100% realistic. The self awareness part is learning youself and where you may not be in the best specturm of some sort of behavioural triat. Then thinking to yourself more explicity in scenarios that this behaviour comes that you need to try and overcome what you would normally do. For me this is something like asking for help. I have a personal sort of law for myself. Ask once that's fine, ask twice you may not having being paying attention ask three times and you become a pain. This has kinda stopped me asking questions in the past and struggling to find the answer myself where somewhere else could tell me the answer in seconds. So something I want to focus is reduce the mentaility thinking im on my own. I have reached out to one person in the course and had chat on slack about some of the challanges. Reaching out and collobarating helps see different methods of solving the problem and can learn a lot doing this.

What Suprised me the Most

I really reasonated with the growth mindset and neurplasctity core. It suprised in how much it related to me. I was a shitty student kinda of always was. But yeah the more I looked at this topic as a reflection on myself it was apparant why I was good at some things in life. The things I was good at was things we only learnt in school in college. It was fresh slate for everyone and I got some good marks then really started trying at it. Everything else Math, English and Science was "NOT FOR ME" I thought.

Whilst this is great indvidually it also made me think of prior situations where I may have been to quick to judge someone. Not giving them enough time to really develop the neuroplasctity.

Why do this?

There is the individual benefit of looking at yourself in a mirror and understanding yourself and what you really need to succeed in learning and growing. Which is a great benefit, it does go further to me in terms of understanding how to grow collobaratively. On the surface level its easy to look and go yeah that'e me that's what I need to do. It needs to go that step further and when I am in bootcamp really understand that whilst this is me someone else might have a completely different way of doing something and requres different recognition or approval.

The other reason for me is that. Any line of work and espically something like this you can never learn it all. There will always be a new language that can be learnt or improved on. Understanding how you learn and bringing that out of Dev Academy is important for the long term success of someones carreer in this line of work.

Was Learning all this Worth it?

Yeah I really I thnk so. At the start I had my questions about this and why we would spend 30% of our time doing this in a programming course. Certain things I engaged with some more than others. One of those was growth and neuroplasctity, I really found that engaging. How I would justify it over practicing is that in doing the core part of the coure I am finding how to maximize my time in terms practicing. One of the big things personally espically when doing some of the challanges was I worked to the sort of pomodoro mentality of foucsing for that 25 mins than taking that break. I found myself constantly hitting that mental wall ad often after comming back from the break I was more focused and tend to find the soloution in a short time.